Thursday, January 15, 2009

I believe "pug" and "pig" are interchangeable...

Well, today I had another mid-wife appointment and that went really well. After falling almost 2 weeks ago, it was amazing to hear the heartbeat again. She also went over the ultrasound results with me and our little girl is just absolutely perfect so far. She was in breech position 4 weeks ago and now she is lying from side to side, so she is making her way head down. Hopefully she is not breech, because I was and I have a lovely large dent in my head from the forceps. At least I think this is where it came from. Maybe my mom or dad dropped me and never told me the real story. : ) But, we'll go with the forceps. Other than that, everything else was routine. I gained another 2 pounds, which is good, so my total so far for my pregnancy is 4 lbs! My mid-wife think I am getting the flu, as I am extremely nauseous (and not the pregnancy kind) and I have a fever of 101. Hopefully I won't get it, but we'll see.

In other news...the baby showers are underway! Nicole (my BFF), Tara (my sister), and my grandma have been working on mine up north and we have set a date for March 14th. I can't wait to see everyone. Last night, I met with Autumn (our daughter's aunt), Amanda (my BFF), and Andy's mom, Ann. We started planning my Indianapolis area baby shower and have set a date of March 28th. Ann was gracious enough to provide us with her very lovely home for the location and Amanda and Autumn are on a search for invitations. Andy and I are going to register on Saturday and I can't wait! I will be registering at Babies R Us.

Last weekend we took Andy's boys to the Indiana State Museum. It was actually my first time there and it was really interesting. Andy and I are both history buffs, so it was just as fun for us.

Speaking of the boys, they are both getting really excited for their new little sister. Jack kisses my belly 20 times a day and "talks" to his sister all the time. Jonah is always asking if the baby has moved any and we had him feel how hard my stomach feels right now and I think it sort of grossed him out, but it was funny.

Right now we are just trying to survive the winter months. We don't get much snow here, but alot of ice and freezing temps. My younger brother, Joey, will be here soon. He is moving down here to be closer to his girlfriend and family (me!). It will be so nice to have him here and to be an uncle to his new niece. Other than that, I'm just engulfing myself in my favorite TV shows and trying to relax as much as possible during the winter. I've also run out of baby books to read, as I've read them all already. I think I had at least 6 of them.

We are still deciding on names for her, so we'll let you know when we know! Lots of people ask, but this is a tough decision for us. We agree on at least 4 names, so that's a pretty good start. I'm obsessed with "A" names, so I've got Abigail, Ava, Anna, Allison...and Andy agrees on all these, too. Other possibilities are Ella and Stella, which we both like, too. I'm just sick of finding a name I really like and then seeing online that it is in the Top 10 names! Seriously. Annoying!

I hope everyone stays warm and is careful on the ice!

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