Tuesday, January 20, 2009

He keeps me on my toes....

Well, I jumped on here to write a blog about registering and it looks like Andy has beat me to it. And yes, everyone, his words are true. I do make him suffer through 2 hours of The Bachelor each and every week. I think he forgot to tell you, though, that he has already picked his "favorite" and his "runner-ups". We agree on the favorite - the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader named Melissa, so we'll see who gets the final rose in the end. ANYWAY, not here to talk about The Bachelor! Thankfully, LOST starts up again this week and that is one show we don't fight over.

So, yes, we did register for our baby showers on Saturday. As someone who has never registered for anything, this was quite an overwhelming experience. I had a seasoned veteran with me, which helped alot, because I think if we had both been first time parents we would have been there for 8 hours instead of 4. We had alot of decisions to make and we spent so much time comparing items and going back and forth throughout the store as we thought of things we might want to change. We had fun, though, both of us picturing in our head what our little girl would look like sitting in her stroller or sleeping in her crib. We did the clothes last - onesies, sleepers, etc., and I think this is where it really got Andy imagining holding a teeny tiny baby girl. I heard alot of awww's and saw that look in his eyes that I have loved since I met him - the look of a dad who truly and unconditionally loves his children and would do anything for them. He makes me melt...still. : )

If you wish to look, you can check out our registry online at Babies R Us. I believe you just find it under my last name - VAZNONIS.

On the non-baby front, we are just looking forward to the Superbowl and hoping the Steelers win. If we can't have the Colts, we have to at least have a team we respect, so Go Steelers! Today is the inauguration of our new President and I made Jack watch it, even though he doesn't really understand. He was impressed by all the people at the Mall, though, so maybe it will be something he will remember when he is older. My boss at the pharmacy gave me an amazing set schedule and it will really relieve all my aches and pains. I will do anything to avoid muscle relaxers, as I am not the sort of person who likes to be medicated in the first place. Jack and Jonah are both doing well. Jonah has had a few days off from school with snow days and MLK Day, but he went back today to endure the madness of the 4th grade. His Nana has been at the house helping him get his room in order and that was a huge relief off our backs. Thanks, Ann!! Jack is doing Jack things, which are always just super cute and fun to watch. I wish I could videotape his entire toddler years. My brother is here staying with us for a bit, trying to find a job and get his own apartment. I'm taking my big Pharmacy exam in March, so hopefully after I have the baby, I can take my Certification to a hospital and get out of retail pharmacy!

I've had a few takers on seeing Mall Cop with me, so Marcie and Lindsay - I'm holding you to this. Today I am cleaning the house, but I promise to take down the baby gates before I start mopping. : )

And yes, we will get to the whole name thing soon. I don't agree with taking a poll because if you know me and if I ask you for your advice or your opinion, I will listen but I still do whatever I want. So, if you wish to give your input, please do, but in the end it will be me saying yes or no. And Andy...maybe.

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