Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm not one to keep a resolution...

but, I figured my sacrifices for this new baby might as well start now. So, my resolution for 2009 is to blog about my pregnancy and post-pregnancy. With my family all over 2 hours away from me, I hope this can help with updates and filling those voids of not being able to be there.

At work yesterday, a co-worker and I were talking about our resolutions. She told me that last year she vowed to not drink one ounce of pop. This was quite amazing to me, as I am a slave to the stuff. She kept her resolution the entire year and she had her first drink of Coke yesterday and hated it. I told her I could never do that to myself, so I would have to come up with something else. So, let's see. I've already given up drinking for the sake of the baby, so that's out. I've become a more habitual person with having to take my prenatal vitamins everyday, so resolving to stick to a routine is not necessary.

And then it came to me...I would become a "blogger". This is something I have attempted a few times and failed. But, now I have a subject to write about everyday and I don't have to sit here and try to think of something interesting. When you're pregnant, everyday is new and interesting.

Oh, and might I add that I also resolve to have Andy participate in this blog, though I have no idea if he will. He will laugh and tell me "No way, babe, you know I don't do that sort of thing". And then I will remind him of my motivation and I will send him this link and and he will comply like the good boyfriend that he is.

So, if you are reading this, you received an email link from me to check out my blog. I will try to update it as much as possible. I mean, if I can update my Facebook status every day, three times a day, then I can definitely commit to this. And if you are reading this because somebody we both know sent you the link, it's because I asked them to because I didn't have a way to contact you.

So, thanks for reading about us and our little shrimp. This is the name we gave her before we knew anything. I had read in one of my books that she was the size of a medium-sized shrimp and we both thought this was pretty funny and we also thought that she probably also looked like a shrimp, since babies so young in the womb look like aliens.

Enjoy our pictures and funny, but amazing, life we share together. I wish you were all here with me everyday, but I know it's not possible. Life isn't fair and I know this firsthand, but I look forward to hearing from everybody when I can't be there with you.
Happy New Year!

Love, Jenni

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