Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gargoyles have nothing to do with this blog.

The snow has finally hit Central Indiana! We were snowed in yesterday with a house full of people. And when I say FULL, I mean FULL. Andy stayed home from work because his commute to the northside would have taken him close to 2 hours and it's just not safe to be in your car for that long. Jonah's elementary school closed for the day, so he was here. Jack and Chloe were both here. And we also had Joey who shoveled his way out of our driveway at some point to go visit his girlfriend, Amanda, who was really sick yesterday. Our kind neighbor came over at about 1pm and snow-blowed the rest of our driveway for us, which was just so nice of him. This weekend I am going to bake him some goodies for his efforts. Today is less treacherous and we are all out and about with no problem. After growing up in Northwest Indiana my entire life, I got spoiled when I moved to Indianapolis, where it's usually 10 degrees warmer and we get more ice than snow. I definitely do not miss the "lake effect" winters or shoveling my driveway in Griffith - I had the longest driveway ever. They never called school off up there either! Down here, you get an inch and everything closes down. But, I guess in a small town, we didn't ride buses like every kid here does. I remember walking to school with Tara when I was in third grade through all the snow. Yuck. I do remember school being closed once and that was the big storm of 1998, when I was a junior in high school. I think school was closed for three days. We lost power in our house and Tara, Joey, and I stayed with my high school boyfriend and his family at their house because they had heat and electricity. My dad stayed home at our house and slept on the kitchen floor with a bunch of blankets and boiled water on the gas stove all night to stay warm. Our three cats also slept there with him. Point is, BOO to snow and bad weather!

The kids did go outside yesterday and they had a blast playing in our backyard. Jack had alot of trouble walking through the drifts and was pelted with snowballs a million times by Jonah. They were all bundled up, though, and looked just like the Christmas Story kids. I told Andy that the baby wanted to play in the snow, too, so he told me to go stick my belly in the snow. I considered it, but figured I would fall down or something and hurt myself!

Speaking of our precious baby girl, she has been kicking the crap out of me lately! She is definitely inheriting my amazing cheerleader kicks. I'm also starting to feel like a cat. Everytime I lie down on the couch I have either Andy or Jack or both lying with me and rubbing my belly. Believe me, it's very sweet and I love it, but man, I could never be a cat and get pet all the time.

Our next appointment is in 2 weeks, but it's just the boring glucose test. I'm also getting excited for the first round of baby shower invites to be sent out this weekend! Thank you to Nicole for working on them! I'm sure they will be absolutely lovely. The next set will be sent out by Feb. 15th for the Indianapolis shower. Andy and I have also been working hard on baby names. We have been narrowing it down, but we are still not there yet. We are going to Barnes and Noble this weekend to find a couple more baby name books to see if anything else jumps out at us. We are getting more and more excited, though, and have been having many conversations revolving around the baby, how she will look, her and the boys together and the plans we have for them, etc. I, myself, am more excited then I ever thought I would be and Andy is gonna have to pry her out of my hands. Even though he thinks he will be the one holding her all the time, I have news for him. We are both just thrilled about having her and making her part of our family.

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