Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's Official: We Have a Name!

Our daughter's name is going to be:

Lilliana Kathleen Harrier

Andy and I were both undecided between two names, Lilly and Ana. We loved them both, but could not stick with just one. When I was working in the Pharmacy last week, I waited on a 4 year old girl and her mom coming out of our Minute Clinic. The little girl's name was Lilliana and I thought, how funny...that combines both of our top two names. I told Andy of this new finding and he liked the name alot, too. Now, we still plan on calling her Lilly or Lil, but thought it would be really neat to have her full name have a bit of a background story to it. Plus, as I researched the name, I saw that it was used in Polish speaking countries. Awesome!

Obviously, her middle name is after my mom, so everyone knows the story there. : )

Jack has been practicing saying "Lilly". It's a bit hard for him and comes out as "Willy", but we have been practicing pushing our tongue against our teeth to make the "L" sound. He can say it now for the most part, but he says it really slow and emphasizes the "L" alot. It's pretty funny.

Actually, Andy and I were both having some trouble saying "Lilly Harrier", but I think we've got it down now. It's like when I was kid (or adult...) and had (have...) trouble saying "polish sausage" together.

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